
Personal Profile

I am working as a journalist in the music business since the year 2000. In that field I interviewed over 1000 artists from all over the world. For example: Adele, Grimes, Billy Idol, Lady Gaga, Noel Gallagher, Lenny Kravitz, Placebo, Boy George, Tori Amos, Rita Ora and Pet Shop Boys, just to mention a few. In the past decade I edited and conducted shows and was invited to panels. In 2017, I became more and more interested in music that is made with the help of AI, robots, wearables, prosthesises or AI/VR/XR. I am running a podcast about “AI and Music” called “The Illiac Suite“. As a consultant in that field I am booked by conferences, event agencies and companies. In 2021 I also started an agency for creative tech and new media art called “Wicked Artists“.


Freelance Radio Journalist in Berlin, Germany, and Montréal, Canada.

Producing regularly segments about technology, art and cultural issues for German public radio stations like Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Dlf Nova, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, 1Live, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Bayrischer Rundfunk and Radio Canada.

2024: Moderator of the Innovation Bridge Europe House the SXSW Festival

2023: Podcast about “AI and Music” called: The Illiac Suite

2023: Moderator of panels about “AI and music” for the Reeperbahn  Festival

2023: Moderator of the Innovation Bridge Europe House the SXSW Festival

2021: Co-Founder of “Wicked Artists

2016-2020: Weekly Column about the future of music called “Strom und Drang” and “Women in Technology” for Berlin public radio station radioeins.

Experiences in writing articles for the newspapers like Tagesspiegel, music magazines like Spex, Musikexpress, Galore and Spiegel and Goethe Institut.

Contributor of the book “Classical Concert Studies – A Companion to Contemporary Research and Performance“.

2018: Moderator of the German House at the SXSW Festival

2018: Speaker at C2 Montréal

2016: Actor in the play Post Humains by Dominque Leclerc.

2017: Voice Over for Playmobil VR.

2007 – 2010: Working for MotorFM, now FluxFM

2000 – 2003: Campusradio Hertz 87,9 Bielefeld : Head of Music Department (2003)

2012 – 2015: Own radio show “Lost In The Supermarket” at ByteFM



German Abitur
Marienschule Bielefeld, Germany

(August 1987 – May 1997)

Studies of Bachelor “Pop Music and Media” at
University of Detmold/Paderborn, Germany
(May 2001 – May 2003)


Editing in Audio Software

Presentation of shows

Interviews with artists

Consulting for conferences, companies and events in the field of “AI and music”


Voice Over for commercials and games

Languages: German (native), English (fluent), French (fluent)